Saturday, March 28, 2009

Kat's Top Ten List of Things That Should Change in DC...

This list was compiled together by myself and my husband. He came up with the list, as he thinks on the fly much better than I do. I just add the snippy remarks to it, mmmkay?

1. Term limits for Congressmen and Senators, 2 terms just like the President. Your city Mayor probably has term limits, and as far as I know, all Governors have term limits. Even the President has term limits, but our congress doesn't? Where's the logic in that?

2. Laws of the land should be written so that the common man can understand them without needing a lawyer in straight black and white terms. If I have to explain why this one makes sense, I might just scream.

3. If Congressmen and Senators are to be paid, they should be paid at the rate of minimum wage so that they can earn thier living like the common man does. Let them work by the hour! I bet they would put in more than half of the year making sure things run right then!

4. Congressmen and Senators should have to pay for Social Security and get thier Insurance through the Private Sector like everyone else. Retirement packages? Don't make me laugh. My aunt in law worked for over twenty years at the same place, and her retirement package is /only/ the social security she had paid into her whole life. If it's good enough for her to scrape by on, then they should have to scrape by on it too!

5. All new national laws should be held to a NATIONAL public vote, and the law can only pass by an overwhelming majority. Note... OVERWHELMING, not 50.1%, not 54%, but 67% or greater. Two-thirds vote! We have the internet now! Post the bill, and give the American people a month to look it up, read it, and vote! It's not rocket science, people!


7. If an Illegal Alien is caught in our country, they are deported and banned from entering our country legally. If they are caught a second time they are tried and punished in due course to the laws of the land. We don't need new laws. We just need to enforce the ones already in place here, and for goodness sakes, BUILD THE FENCE ALREADY!

8. Prison systems should reinstitute chain gangs to work on maintaining roads, and other various projects that could be implemented in local counties and parishes at no cost to the tax-payer. If Sherrif Joe can do it and it works, why can't the rest of the country do it? Common sense, people!

9. If an admendment to a bill has no relation to the bill being debated in the House or Senate, TAKE IT OFF! NO PORK! Don't sign or agree with any bill that is filled with crap like this!

10. Simplify the national tax system! Why do I have to read a 'booklet' that is over a hundred pages to pay my income tax? This is why the flat tax is staring to look better and better. Plus, in my state, we don't even have an income tax. We do have a sales tax and a 'sin' tax for things like nicotine products and alchohol and the like, but it's not overly high, and our state seems to do just fine budget-wise. Perhaps DC could take a lesson from this?

Tomorrow: News from my neck of the woods and Videos of the Week: Tea Parties!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Card Check Bill Likely to Fail; War on Terror Renamed; and More News from Around the Web

Remember Bush's 'foolish' war in Iraq? Remember how it was doomed to fail? Well, it would appear that it is /not/ a folly or failing. Let's take a look at the facts here, hrmmm?

We've had less than 5,ooo die in Iraq. This over a period of six years. The only war that the U.S. has been in that's had less casualties was Desert Storm. And that lasted a mere fraction of what this war has. In a nation-wide poll, 60% if Iraqis expect next year to be even better than they were in the last year and a half. In Basra alone, where there used be fear more than hope not long ago, 94% state that thier lives are well. In Baghdad, car bombs are no longer the norm. And combat deaths are at an all-time low.

Our major media has not reported anything about this until now. Until Obama came into office. such great loyalty to our troops and to our nation... And even then, I had to hunt all over the web for the one article I could find. Read about it here: Bush's Folly is Ending in Victory. That's right folks, it's not even a major publication, like the New York Times. It's not even listed as true report, but as an Opinion article. Our newspaper and television media bury the good news so that they can keep saying what a failure this war is... and it makes our wonderful country look weak to the rest of the world in the process.

Now... since we are on the topic of the Global War on Terror. Oh, what's this? We don't have a War on Terror now? Well, of course not, because the Pentagon has chosen to rename it! We are now in an 'Overseas Contingency Operation'. Oh, that's nice and descriptive and states our purpose quite well, doesn't it? In case you can't tell, that last sentence was just dripping with sarcasm. Why are we renaming it? Well, find out for yourself right here: 'Global War on Terror' Is Given New Name. Don't feel like clicking? Well, here's an excerpt from the bottom of the article, that pretty much sums it up:

"Our strategy should be to divide and conquer rather than make of enemies more than they are," said Nagl, now president of the Center for a New American Security, a defense policy think tank in Washington. "We are facing a number of different insurgencies around the globe -- some have local causes, some of them are transnational. Viewing them all through one lens distorts the picture and magnifies the enemy."

Yes, because those people that blow up buildings and kill non-combatant men, women, and children aren't such a big deal. It's those stubborn people inside our own country that would rather think for themselves and cling to thier guns and religion, instead of being herded like good little sheeplings that we have to worry about!

Aaaaaaaaand... there is an update on the Militia report. As soon as I can get my hands on a revised copy, I will be posting it. They've now decided that people that vote for a third party in elections might not be home-brew terrorists after all! Wow, what a relief! Seriously, just go back and look at all of the other points again. Then take your head and have it meet the palm of your hand. Because that's all the government thinks it should do to appease us.

But fear not! There is some good news! Remember all the talk about the Card Check Bill that was being tossed about in the Senate? No? Well, let me remind you of the basics to it. It removes the right for workers to vote secretely on whether or not they want thier business to become part of a union. Instead, a person can go to your business and ask you to sign a card. enough cards get signed and *poof* you are now in a union, and everyone that signed the card just gave permission to have thier names broadcasted to the rest of the company. Ok, got that? Well, Senator Specter voted against the bill, and thus, the bill is very likely to fail. Read about it here: Spector to Oppose Cloture on Card Check. Thank you for standing up for our right to vote secretely and not have our names pasted out there for all to see, Senator! I hope many more follow your lead on this issue!