Saturday, April 18, 2009

Huffington Post at it Again!

You know, for something that the major three networks keep blowing off as trivial, idiotic, and a scam set up by the GOP, they just can't seem to stop talking about the tea parties. Are they finally realizing they missed out on one hell of a story? Well, if they have, they are going about making up for that the wrong way, because they are still mocking us and blowing us off.

Yahoo! News for example, pulls most of it's information from the AP. But with this article, they decided to let people from the Huffington Post do some of the leg work. Because the Huffingtion Post is so fair and never tilts the story to the left, right? Riiiiiiiiiiiight...

Let's go take a look at some of those articles the 'citizen-journalists wrote, shall we?

Sharing Tea Bags with Right Wing Extremists - Oh, that's not biased at all, right? That's just the title people. Read it. You will be slamming your face into your palm and then your head into your desk. This guy just wanted an excuse to belittle us. Notice how he doesn't call us protetors, or demonstrators. Nooooo... we are teabaggers, and we are teabagging. Really, you don't get much more ruder than that.

Reporting from the Tea Bagger Hate-Fest in Sacramento - Again, just completely unbaised and polite to the core in the headline... excuse me while I put on my waders, cause it's getting deep out here and I don't like smelling like cow pies. According to this so-called journalists, the party was just one big hate-filled scene. Cause we hate everybody and everything. Taxes, government, teachers, Democrats, this list goes on and on. Yet another person that has it all wrong. got a good video of Garofalo on Keith Olberman's show, which can be viewed here, along with a bit of opnion from one of the Hot Air writers. Olberman is, as always, being immature and petty about the whole deal, tossing out double-meanings in words that are just rude, and dismissing us just like the rest of the major news media. I went ahead and posted the video below, for those of you with strong stomachs that can handle it.

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

But it's not all just bad news reporting like what you see above. There is a vlogger (a video blogger) that is actually giving a more fair and unbaised report of the things going on than most of the mainstream media! Here's a look at his vlog from yesterday:

Thanks to my friend Laura for giving me these articles to use!

Coming up tomorrow: News frommy Neck of the Woods and Videos of the Week!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Big List of Topics!

The overall estimate of the Tea Parties in Abilene and Brownwood attendees was about 2,ooo people. That's a lot for our little bit of the woods!

Remember the rude lady from CNN at the Chicago Tea Party? Well, it seems that so many people have been upset with her behaviour that they have flooded her email. In fact, according to, CNN has shut down Susan Roesgen's email. But that's ok, if you still want to express your dislike of how she acted, just email the following people:

CNN Executive Vice President Ken Jautz at:
CNN Chairman & CEO, Phil Kent at:

Speaking of people that blow us off as unimportant...

Yes, now not only are we terrorists, we are the RICH. Yeah, that's why I'm having to use a free blogging site, instead of paying money for an add-free zone. Sure....

And what about our so-called President? Well, listen for yourself to this little snippet from Good Morning America:

Really? He was clueless about the oh.... HUGE CROWD PROTESTING ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE WHITE HOUSE??? How did he miss that? Granted, this isn't the frist time he's been unaware of something... Let's look at a list of things he's been unaware of in his past, shall we?

He was unaware that he was attending a church (for 20 years) with a racist pastor who hates America.
He was unaware that he was family friends with, and started his political career in the living room of, a domestic terrorist.
He was unaware that he had invested in two speculative companies backed by some of his top donors right after taking office in 2005.
He was unaware that his own aunt was living in the US illegally.
He was unaware that his own brother lives on pennies a day in a hut in Kenya.
He was unaware of the AIG bonuses that he and his administration approved and signed into a bill.
He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary of COmmerce was under investigation in a bribery scandal.
He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary of Health and Human Services was a tax cheat.
He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary of the Treasury was a tax cheat. He was unaware that the man he nominated to be the U.S. Trade Representative was a tax cheat.
He was unaware that the woman he nominated to be his Chief Performance Officer was a tax cheat.
He was unaware that the man he nominated to be #2 at the Environmental Protection Agency was under investigation for mismanaging $25 million in EPA grants.

So I guess being unaware of YET ANOTHER BIG OBVIOUS RIGHT UNDER HIS NOSE ISSUE shouldn't be such a big suprise after all!

Yet another clueless congressman:

According to Canada Free Press, we have the following statement from Rep. Schakowsky of Illinois about the nation-wide Tea Parties:

“The ‘tea parties’ being held today by groups of right-wing activists, and fueled by FOX News Channel, are an effort to mislead the public about the Obama economic plan that cuts taxes for 95 percent of Americans and creates 3.5 million jobs. It’s despicable that right-wing Republicans would attempt to cheapen a significant, honorable moment of American history with a shameful political stunt. Not a single American household or business will be taxed at a higher rate this year. Made to look like a grassroots uprising, this is an Obama bashing party promoted by corporate interests, as well as Republican lobbyists and politicians.”

Tax cuts for 95% of Americans? Really? Because last I checked the sales tax on nicotine just rose a couple of weeks ago, right? Nevermind that the majority of smokers are income earners making less than 250 thousand dollars a year. Wasn't this the target group that Obama promised to NOT raise taxes on? But her statement gets even more rediculous when you consider that her husband is pleading guilty to two felonies: writing bad checks and failing to collect withholding taxes from an employee of his, according to this USA TODAY report.

Here in Texas, we are fighting a REAL ID bill that is going through our state house and senate. You can read about the bill here. There is going to be a furom open in Austin on Monday beginning at 2 PM in room E2.014. If you can make it and want to speak out against this bill, please do so!

And last but not least... there is still disapproval over HR 875 going on, but congress doesn't seem to be listening. No big suprise there, right? Nevermind that it would kill most, if not all family farms and home gardens. If you disapprove of this bill, call your congressmen, email them, snail mail them! If they don't vote how we want them to vote, remind them that there is an election coming up in a year and a half and we won't forget!

I did warn you that I was going to cover a big list of topics today, didn't I?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Are You Part of a Terrorist State? I AM!

Remember that link I put up a couple of days ago about if you a leaning to the right you could be a terrorist? Well, according to that report, the whole state of Texas is a terroristic state.

How do you know if your state is part of a radical right wing movement out to kill millions? Can you even ask that question with a straight face? Are you Rolling On Floor Laughing Your Ass Off yet?

Well, here is the list of questions, and the answers for Texas, courtesy of American Thinker:

Anti-gun control--check
Predominantly Christian--check
Military bases--check
Returning soldiers--check
Against high taxes (no state tax in Texas)--check, check
Anti-illegal immigration--check
Against an overreaching federal government--check
Extreme right-wing (according to Democratic Party standards)--check
Understands Article 1, Section 8--check
Understands the 10th Amendment--check
Rejects federal authority in favor of state or local authority--check

So... in conclusion, I think we just described not only most of the states in the south, but also in the midwest, plus maybe Alaska? Just one more way to point out that the so-called fly-over states really are more important that most people think! We surround them, they do not surround us!

Tea Party Review

First, let me apologize for giving the wrong times on the tea party for the Abilene area yesterday. I pulled the information from the Abilene Distorter News, and thus me and my family showed up TWO full hours before the local Tea Party started. Still, we had plenty of time to meet other people before 6 o'clock came! Yes, the evening set of the Tea Party started at SIX not FOUR, and after talking to a few of the people that were spear-headed the effort in my area, the local paper didn't even want to publish anything about the tea party to begin with, so I guess no one was suprised that they put the wrong times down!

We had a pretty good sized group from my small town and the surrounding rural areas. I don't have any official numbers yet, but we tookd up all four corners of the intersection of Pine and North 3rd, and my rough guestimate is at least 150-200 before 7:30 PM, and it was scheduled to run until at least 8!

I think this sign was my most favorite. It's so big it needs its own trailer! It was hauled by a nice large Blazier-looking vehicle, as well!

This was another good one. Looks like Uncle Sam got so upset that he had to shave his beard off! Here are a few more pictures from the event, just to give you an idea of the size crowd. Just remember, these are just tiny sections of the overall group:

There were also a few handouts being passed about. I've scanned them and posted them here so you can snag copies if you want:

If you want copies of any of the above hand outs, just click on them and they should appear on a seperate web page. From there, just right click, and choose either save or print image!

The only channel that did any coverage other than Fox News was CNN... and it was a sad, sad, thing, because I really thing the woman was rude and just didn't get it:

Ya know what? I don't THINK she doesn't get it. I KNOW she doesn't get it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cyberbill in Congress; Earmarks for Fiscal Year 2010; Govenor Perry Grows a Pair; Tax Day Tea Parties DOs and DON'Ts

We have yet another bill in DC to create MORE beaucracy and limit MORE of our freedoms. Here is a link to a summary of what the bill encompasses: CyberSecurity Act of 2009. Basically, it allows the government to shut down the internet grid, or even single sites, even if no crime was committed. Between this and the FTC suing bloggers, an insane tax code that is over 20,000 pages long, and being deemed potential terrorists, no wonder people are getting upset!

Next up.... would you like to see what earmarks your so-called representatives are tossing out into bills at the last minute? Or how many? Well, have I got the link for you! Catalogue of Fiscal Year 2010 Earmarks. Yes, I know it's not 2010 yet. These are earmarks that go into effect in 2010. Read it and weep folks. This is what your tax dollars are going towards.

And on we go to my state's govenor, Rick Perry. I have to say, I have never been overly impressed with Perry. Hell, I voted for Kinky Friedman, okay? But it would appear that either Perry is trying to appease the unhappy masses, or he has finally grown a pair and woken up to smell the stench coming to us from DC. Take a look for yourself and decide:

Governor Perry is suppossed to show up at the Alamo today for the San Antonio Tax Day Tea Party. Speaking of Tea Parties...

I know, this list will seem like common sense stuff, but there's always someone who forgets something! When going to a Tea Party:

DO bring plenty of drinks and snacks, especially if you are taking your kids along. Never assume that someone will have refreshments there, or that they won't run out. I don't want someone passing out from dehydration, heat stroke, blood sugar issues or a number of other medical things gone wrong, mmmkay?

DON'T bring a firearm. These are peaceful protests, let's not give the media or the police a reason to assume anything different!

DO bring signs and flyers if you want, and spread the word!

DON'T use excessive profanity. If it's a word your mom would have washed your mouth out with soap for, or one that would make you cringe if you heard it coming from the mouth of a child, then don't say it. The media will be watching, and 99% of them are just looking for a reason to paint us with the wrong brush.

DO bring noiseless toys or other forms of entertainment if you are taking the kids with you. Thier attention spans might get short and then you have to deal with screaming children, or children that pull your attention off of the Tea Party every couple of minutes.

DON'T engage in shouting matches of people come up to protest your Tea Party. Or fist fights. Do we really need to stoop to thier level, after all?

DO bring your cameras, camcorders, pens and paper, or whatever else you want to record the event. Public Protests ARE Public Domain, you can snap pictures and post them on the web, or write about it on the internet as it is happening, or after it is over and you are at home!

Here is the list of local Tea Parties for my area. If you want me to list yours, I now have a box over there on the left, send me a message, and I will post it for you!


What: Big Country Tea Party
When: Noon-2 p.m. kickoff and 6-8 p.m. rally Wednesday
Where: Front of U.S. post office, 341 Pine St.

What: Project 912
When: 1-6 p.m. Saturday
Where: Garbo's Locksmith Service, 2841 S. 1st St.

Big Spring
What: Tea Party
When: Noon-1 p.m. Wednesday
Where: East side of courthouse

What: Tea Party
When: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday
Where: Parking lot, 600 Fisk St.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This Just In -- Right Wingers a Threat to the Country?

I just recieved an email from a fellow blogger, Clinton. Thanks for the tip and update!

There is yet another document out, classifying people that are a possible threat to the nation. Who are they? Right wing conservatives of course! I got a link of the PDF, but I decided to make it easier on all of you guys by uploading and embedding it to my blog. Aren't I just wonderful?

Unfortuantly, I couldn't upload it. So here is a link, click away!

Right Wing Extremism

Read it for yourself, decide for yourself, and ask: Is this the route our country should be taking?

News from my Neck of the Woods; Federal Trade Commission Suing Bloggers?

Let's start off with the story about the Federal Trade Commission Suing Bloggers, shall we?

Parenting Blogs May Be Held Liable for Product Reviews

Meet Colleen Padilla. She's a mom. She started blogging about being a mom and the products she's tried. Her blog, Classy Mommy, became a big hit. So big, that corporations started asking her to review thier products. Dream come true, right? You get to stay at home, spend time with the kids, and still be working! So far, she's reviewed over a thousand products, ranging from what I lovingly call baby butt cream to toys, and even takes opinions from her fellow parents into account in her blogs. Seems great, right?

Not so much. The Federal Trade Commission has decided that bloggers like Padilla and her peers might be in violation of good business practices. Evidently, because she writes reviews of the product and people then might go buy the product, she should list her blogs as advertisements, not reviews, because she gets paid to review the products she is given. Nevermind that many moms share this kind of information with each other already, and Padilla doesn't charge the moms anything to read the reviews, and she certaintly isn't forcing them to buy any of the products.

The Federal Trade Commission said that the punishment a blogger might face would be about the same as a company would get for false advertising, which could be anything from a cease and desist order to reimbursing the customers that bought the product.

I think what Padilla is doing is a great thing, something that us moms do an a nearly everyday basis anyways, she's just put it into print form. Is the FTC going to sue me next because I verbally tell another mom about a product I like, only she doesn't like it as much as I do after she decides to buy it? Poor form from our federal government, once again!

Now for the news from my neck of the woods:

Disney Texas Coming to Abilene?
Polnick to Retire from AISD
Abilenian Soldier Dies of Unknown Illness
Tax Day Tea Parties in Abilene
Area Ranked Number One in Wind Power

Videos of the Week: Destined to Repeat?

First, let's start the day off with some comedy, shall we? My friend Fred, a Libertarian send this clip to me. Thanks Fred!

Now that the funny stuff is over, I'm posting some Glenn Beck, as promised. For those of you that don't have cable, Beck did a specail on Friday titled, "Destined to Repeat?" Here is the whole show, courtesy of YouTube. Unfortuantly, it's broken up, so there are multiple vids to watch to see the whole show.

Please think about what these men are talking about. Facism with a happy face. Do we really want that??

Monday, April 13, 2009

Playing Catch-Up!

Due to the laptop going craptastic on me there for a little while, and me being sick with seasonal crud, I'm behind, way behind. So this is me trying to catch up, mmmkay?

I get emails from relatives, friends, and various newsletters. It takes me a bit to sort through it all. Sometimes it's just repeat information, sometimes it stuff that I look at and go find the source information. If the email has valid points and concerns, I'll blog about it. If its junk, I toss it. No, I don't use Snopes. I do it the old-fashioned way and do all of the research myself. I don't have a handy dandy team to help me like the big boys on radio and television. I don't even ask my husband to help me sort it all. I do my own searching on the internet, through the local papers, and asking my own questions, and then write about it.

So what all do I have on the to do list?

  • Obama is trying to ban all non-center fire guns and ammo. Ruling: I wasn't given a link to any bill in the House or Senate related to this, so until someone gives me more informaton, I can't state that this is true or false.
  • Sheriff Joe is Under Attack Again. Ruling: I actually found the article this email was based upon. Yes, Joe is indeed under attack again. For those of you that are unfamiliar with Sheriff Joe, he is the Sheriff for Maricopa County, Arizona. He believes that if you do the crime, you should pay the time, and not lounge about doing reps on an exercise bench while waiting to be released either. I love Joe, we need more folks like him! What is he being investigated for this time? Enforcing the Immigration Laws! Oh no! How tragic THAT A MEMBER OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY ACTUALLY ENFORCES THE LAWS OF THE LAND! Go get them, Joe, we are rooting for you!
  • HR 875 Takes Rights Away from Home Farmers. Ruling: I've read the bill, I've heard about it in the news, but... have not read about it otherwise in print media other than emails. And yes, this bill scares me. Those of you that remember the great depression, or have heard about it from your elders, those stories of your crops being taken away, or your milk cow going missing in the middle of the night... this bill sounds awful familiar, doesn't it? Take away what we can do for ourselves, and force us to be dependent on the larger companies and the government, pure and simple.

So that's all the catching up I have to do this week. If you have news or tips of things going wrong in our country, feel free to email them to me!

More Meet-Ups and Tea Parties

For those of you local to me, there seems to be a SECOND tea party in my little bitty town of Abilene, and the details can be found here: Abilene, Texs 912Project. I'll be signing up later to see what all they have planned and spread the word!

For those of you that don't live in Abilene, don't fear! I have a list available for the rest of you too! We Surround Them Meet-Up List of Tea Parties!

Remembe Thomas Paine? Heeee's baaaaaack!

YouTube Star Summoned to the White House. Yes, everyone's favorite re-enactor has been called to the Whie House. However, this was published on the 26th of March! By whom, you ask? World Net Daily. You would think that someone, ANYONE, would have picked this up on the majo media stations. I didn't even hear about it on Fox News! He supossedly told Jerry Doyle, who runs the "Jerry Doyle Show", a conservative radio talk show, that he would give Mr. Doyle the first interview after the meeting at the White House. I'm scouring the website, and if I find any additional information, I will be sticking it here!

Tomorrow, I will be posting my videos of the day, and they will be starring my most favorite TV and radio talk show host, Glenn Beck! Also, news from my neck of the woods.

Don't forget your camcorders and cameras for Tea Parties! I'll be taking mine and posting the pictures after I get home, just remember, I have a cheap cam, so the pictures probably won't be that great!

Are You Being Watched on the Internet?

Site Monitors Anti-Obama Activity

No, I'm not kidding. From thier homepage:

"A site dedicated for American citizens monitoring and reporting all anti-obama activities taking place on the world wide web. "

Hmmm... wonder if I've been reported yet? If so, I'll wear it like a proud badge, because so far, I've been less than impressed with our current president. Granted, I was also less than impressed with every president since Reagan. So... maybe I'm just nit-picky?

A Day Late and a Dollar Short...

Ok, so I didn't get my vids of the week in, or the loal news done yesterday. I'm sorry! Buuuuut... here is what I do have:

Abilene, TX Tax Day Tea Party
April 15
From 12 - 10 PM
Old Post Office, Downtown

Also.... for those of you looking for other 912'ers, I was given this link thanks to a comment given in the post below this one: We Surround Them Gathering Meet-Up Group.

I'll be posting video later, as well as local news!