Monday, April 13, 2009

Playing Catch-Up!

Due to the laptop going craptastic on me there for a little while, and me being sick with seasonal crud, I'm behind, way behind. So this is me trying to catch up, mmmkay?

I get emails from relatives, friends, and various newsletters. It takes me a bit to sort through it all. Sometimes it's just repeat information, sometimes it stuff that I look at and go find the source information. If the email has valid points and concerns, I'll blog about it. If its junk, I toss it. No, I don't use Snopes. I do it the old-fashioned way and do all of the research myself. I don't have a handy dandy team to help me like the big boys on radio and television. I don't even ask my husband to help me sort it all. I do my own searching on the internet, through the local papers, and asking my own questions, and then write about it.

So what all do I have on the to do list?

  • Obama is trying to ban all non-center fire guns and ammo. Ruling: I wasn't given a link to any bill in the House or Senate related to this, so until someone gives me more informaton, I can't state that this is true or false.
  • Sheriff Joe is Under Attack Again. Ruling: I actually found the article this email was based upon. Yes, Joe is indeed under attack again. For those of you that are unfamiliar with Sheriff Joe, he is the Sheriff for Maricopa County, Arizona. He believes that if you do the crime, you should pay the time, and not lounge about doing reps on an exercise bench while waiting to be released either. I love Joe, we need more folks like him! What is he being investigated for this time? Enforcing the Immigration Laws! Oh no! How tragic THAT A MEMBER OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY ACTUALLY ENFORCES THE LAWS OF THE LAND! Go get them, Joe, we are rooting for you!
  • HR 875 Takes Rights Away from Home Farmers. Ruling: I've read the bill, I've heard about it in the news, but... have not read about it otherwise in print media other than emails. And yes, this bill scares me. Those of you that remember the great depression, or have heard about it from your elders, those stories of your crops being taken away, or your milk cow going missing in the middle of the night... this bill sounds awful familiar, doesn't it? Take away what we can do for ourselves, and force us to be dependent on the larger companies and the government, pure and simple.

So that's all the catching up I have to do this week. If you have news or tips of things going wrong in our country, feel free to email them to me!

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