Remember the rude lady from CNN at the Chicago Tea Party? Well, it seems that so many people have been upset with her behaviour that they have flooded her email. In fact, according to, CNN has shut down Susan Roesgen's email. But that's ok, if you still want to express your dislike of how she acted, just email the following people:
CNN Executive Vice President Ken Jautz at:
CNN Chairman & CEO, Phil Kent at:
Speaking of people that blow us off as unimportant...
Yes, now not only are we terrorists, we are the RICH. Yeah, that's why I'm having to use a free blogging site, instead of paying money for an add-free zone. Sure....
And what about our so-called President? Well, listen for yourself to this little snippet from Good Morning America:
Really? He was clueless about the oh.... HUGE CROWD PROTESTING ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE WHITE HOUSE??? How did he miss that? Granted, this isn't the frist time he's been unaware of something... Let's look at a list of things he's been unaware of in his past, shall we?
He was unaware that he was attending a church (for 20 years) with a racist pastor who hates America.
He was unaware that he was family friends with, and started his political career in the living room of, a domestic terrorist.
He was unaware that he had invested in two speculative companies backed by some of his top donors right after taking office in 2005.
He was unaware that his own aunt was living in the US illegally.
He was unaware that his own brother lives on pennies a day in a hut in Kenya.
He was unaware of the AIG bonuses that he and his administration approved and signed into a bill.
He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary of COmmerce was under investigation in a bribery scandal.
He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary of Health and Human Services was a tax cheat.
He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary of the Treasury was a tax cheat. He was unaware that the man he nominated to be the U.S. Trade Representative was a tax cheat.
He was unaware that the woman he nominated to be his Chief Performance Officer was a tax cheat.
He was unaware that the man he nominated to be #2 at the Environmental Protection Agency was under investigation for mismanaging $25 million in EPA grants.
So I guess being unaware of YET ANOTHER BIG OBVIOUS RIGHT UNDER HIS NOSE ISSUE shouldn't be such a big suprise after all!
Yet another clueless congressman:
According to Canada Free Press, we have the following statement from Rep. Schakowsky of Illinois about the nation-wide Tea Parties:
“The ‘tea parties’ being held today by groups of right-wing activists, and fueled by FOX News Channel, are an effort to mislead the public about the Obama economic plan that cuts taxes for 95 percent of Americans and creates 3.5 million jobs. It’s despicable that right-wing Republicans would attempt to cheapen a significant, honorable moment of American history with a shameful political stunt. Not a single American household or business will be taxed at a higher rate this year. Made to look like a grassroots uprising, this is an Obama bashing party promoted by corporate interests, as well as Republican lobbyists and politicians.”
Tax cuts for 95% of Americans? Really? Because last I checked the sales tax on nicotine just rose a couple of weeks ago, right? Nevermind that the majority of smokers are income earners making less than 250 thousand dollars a year. Wasn't this the target group that Obama promised to NOT raise taxes on? But her statement gets even more rediculous when you consider that her husband is pleading guilty to two felonies: writing bad checks and failing to collect withholding taxes from an employee of his, according to this USA TODAY report.
Here in Texas, we are fighting a REAL ID bill that is going through our state house and senate. You can read about the bill here. There is going to be a furom open in Austin on Monday beginning at 2 PM in room E2.014. If you can make it and want to speak out against this bill, please do so!
And last but not least... there is still disapproval over HR 875 going on, but congress doesn't seem to be listening. No big suprise there, right? Nevermind that it would kill most, if not all family farms and home gardens. If you disapprove of this bill, call your congressmen, email them, snail mail them! If they don't vote how we want them to vote, remind them that there is an election coming up in a year and a half and we won't forget!
I did warn you that I was going to cover a big list of topics today, didn't I?
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