Saturday, April 18, 2009

Huffington Post at it Again!

You know, for something that the major three networks keep blowing off as trivial, idiotic, and a scam set up by the GOP, they just can't seem to stop talking about the tea parties. Are they finally realizing they missed out on one hell of a story? Well, if they have, they are going about making up for that the wrong way, because they are still mocking us and blowing us off.

Yahoo! News for example, pulls most of it's information from the AP. But with this article, they decided to let people from the Huffington Post do some of the leg work. Because the Huffingtion Post is so fair and never tilts the story to the left, right? Riiiiiiiiiiiight...

Let's go take a look at some of those articles the 'citizen-journalists wrote, shall we?

Sharing Tea Bags with Right Wing Extremists - Oh, that's not biased at all, right? That's just the title people. Read it. You will be slamming your face into your palm and then your head into your desk. This guy just wanted an excuse to belittle us. Notice how he doesn't call us protetors, or demonstrators. Nooooo... we are teabaggers, and we are teabagging. Really, you don't get much more ruder than that.

Reporting from the Tea Bagger Hate-Fest in Sacramento - Again, just completely unbaised and polite to the core in the headline... excuse me while I put on my waders, cause it's getting deep out here and I don't like smelling like cow pies. According to this so-called journalists, the party was just one big hate-filled scene. Cause we hate everybody and everything. Taxes, government, teachers, Democrats, this list goes on and on. Yet another person that has it all wrong. got a good video of Garofalo on Keith Olberman's show, which can be viewed here, along with a bit of opnion from one of the Hot Air writers. Olberman is, as always, being immature and petty about the whole deal, tossing out double-meanings in words that are just rude, and dismissing us just like the rest of the major news media. I went ahead and posted the video below, for those of you with strong stomachs that can handle it.

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

But it's not all just bad news reporting like what you see above. There is a vlogger (a video blogger) that is actually giving a more fair and unbaised report of the things going on than most of the mainstream media! Here's a look at his vlog from yesterday:

Thanks to my friend Laura for giving me these articles to use!

Coming up tomorrow: News frommy Neck of the Woods and Videos of the Week!

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