Monday, April 13, 2009

More Meet-Ups and Tea Parties

For those of you local to me, there seems to be a SECOND tea party in my little bitty town of Abilene, and the details can be found here: Abilene, Texs 912Project. I'll be signing up later to see what all they have planned and spread the word!

For those of you that don't live in Abilene, don't fear! I have a list available for the rest of you too! We Surround Them Meet-Up List of Tea Parties!

Remembe Thomas Paine? Heeee's baaaaaack!

YouTube Star Summoned to the White House. Yes, everyone's favorite re-enactor has been called to the Whie House. However, this was published on the 26th of March! By whom, you ask? World Net Daily. You would think that someone, ANYONE, would have picked this up on the majo media stations. I didn't even hear about it on Fox News! He supossedly told Jerry Doyle, who runs the "Jerry Doyle Show", a conservative radio talk show, that he would give Mr. Doyle the first interview after the meeting at the White House. I'm scouring the website, and if I find any additional information, I will be sticking it here!

Tomorrow, I will be posting my videos of the day, and they will be starring my most favorite TV and radio talk show host, Glenn Beck! Also, news from my neck of the woods.

Don't forget your camcorders and cameras for Tea Parties! I'll be taking mine and posting the pictures after I get home, just remember, I have a cheap cam, so the pictures probably won't be that great!

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