Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cyberbill in Congress; Earmarks for Fiscal Year 2010; Govenor Perry Grows a Pair; Tax Day Tea Parties DOs and DON'Ts

We have yet another bill in DC to create MORE beaucracy and limit MORE of our freedoms. Here is a link to a summary of what the bill encompasses: CyberSecurity Act of 2009. Basically, it allows the government to shut down the internet grid, or even single sites, even if no crime was committed. Between this and the FTC suing bloggers, an insane tax code that is over 20,000 pages long, and being deemed potential terrorists, no wonder people are getting upset!

Next up.... would you like to see what earmarks your so-called representatives are tossing out into bills at the last minute? Or how many? Well, have I got the link for you! Catalogue of Fiscal Year 2010 Earmarks. Yes, I know it's not 2010 yet. These are earmarks that go into effect in 2010. Read it and weep folks. This is what your tax dollars are going towards.

And on we go to my state's govenor, Rick Perry. I have to say, I have never been overly impressed with Perry. Hell, I voted for Kinky Friedman, okay? But it would appear that either Perry is trying to appease the unhappy masses, or he has finally grown a pair and woken up to smell the stench coming to us from DC. Take a look for yourself and decide:

Governor Perry is suppossed to show up at the Alamo today for the San Antonio Tax Day Tea Party. Speaking of Tea Parties...

I know, this list will seem like common sense stuff, but there's always someone who forgets something! When going to a Tea Party:

DO bring plenty of drinks and snacks, especially if you are taking your kids along. Never assume that someone will have refreshments there, or that they won't run out. I don't want someone passing out from dehydration, heat stroke, blood sugar issues or a number of other medical things gone wrong, mmmkay?

DON'T bring a firearm. These are peaceful protests, let's not give the media or the police a reason to assume anything different!

DO bring signs and flyers if you want, and spread the word!

DON'T use excessive profanity. If it's a word your mom would have washed your mouth out with soap for, or one that would make you cringe if you heard it coming from the mouth of a child, then don't say it. The media will be watching, and 99% of them are just looking for a reason to paint us with the wrong brush.

DO bring noiseless toys or other forms of entertainment if you are taking the kids with you. Thier attention spans might get short and then you have to deal with screaming children, or children that pull your attention off of the Tea Party every couple of minutes.

DON'T engage in shouting matches of people come up to protest your Tea Party. Or fist fights. Do we really need to stoop to thier level, after all?

DO bring your cameras, camcorders, pens and paper, or whatever else you want to record the event. Public Protests ARE Public Domain, you can snap pictures and post them on the web, or write about it on the internet as it is happening, or after it is over and you are at home!

Here is the list of local Tea Parties for my area. If you want me to list yours, I now have a box over there on the left, send me a message, and I will post it for you!


What: Big Country Tea Party
When: Noon-2 p.m. kickoff and 6-8 p.m. rally Wednesday
Where: Front of U.S. post office, 341 Pine St.

What: Project 912
When: 1-6 p.m. Saturday
Where: Garbo's Locksmith Service, 2841 S. 1st St.

Big Spring
What: Tea Party
When: Noon-1 p.m. Wednesday
Where: East side of courthouse

What: Tea Party
When: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday
Where: Parking lot, 600 Fisk St.

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